- 68815 Aliso Rd Cathedral City, CA 92234
- (760) 202-1122
- Serving Entire Coachella Valley
Call into the office and schedule an appointment to have your Olive tree sprayed. Olive season usually runs from February to April. Quotes will depend on the amount of trees and the over all size of the tree.
If you have olive trees then you know how messy they can be, staining side walks, patios, and pool areas.Our tree care technicians can do your olive spraying in the spring. This treatment is done to control olive fruit formation in the late summer.
The Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), is a tiny (1/8 inch, 3 mm in length) mottled brown insect that is about the size of an aphid. It attacks citrus and very closely related ornamental plants in the family Rutaceae (mock orange, Indian curry leaf, orange jasmine, and other Murraya species). This pest attacks new citrus leaf growth and, because of the salivary toxin that it injects, causes the new leaf tips to twist or turn back. However, the more serious damage that it causes is vectoring the bacteria (Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus and related species) that cause Huanglongbing (HLB or citrus greening) disease. Huanglongbing causes shoots to yellow, asymmetrical leaf mottling, and abnormally shaped fruit with bitter juice. The disease can kill a citrus tree within 3 to 5 years.
- Citrus trees
- Pine trees
- Olive trees
- Hibiscus
- FICUS (whiteflies)
- Non – Bearing Nut Trees
- Non – Bearing Vines
- Ornamental Trees
- Shrubs
- Drench
- Foliar
- Gas
- Baits
- Fertilisation
- Injection
- Systemic
- De-Fruiting
- Asiatic Garden
- Beetles
- European Chafer
- Green June Beetles
- Japanese Beetle
- Northern Masked Chafer
- Oriental Beetle
- Southern Masked Chafer
- Thrips
- Aphids
- Asian Citrus Psyllid
- Black Fly
- Citrus Leafminer
- Leafhoppers
- Sharpshooters
- Mealybugs
- Scales
- Whiteflies